Perth-Andover Baptist Church Building Committee

Congregation Survey May 2012


As a Building Committee, we are interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas about our new building project. What kind of things are important to you when it comes to a church building? How should the building be used?


We are reminded that the purpose of our church is this:

Our Purpose as the Perth-Andover Baptist Church is to bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and, within a supportive church family, to equip and to train them to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ who use their

God-given gifts to honor and glorify Him.


The purpose of our church building is to help us to fulfill our purpose as a church (as stated above). Therefore, we would like you to consider the following questions as we think about how our new church building can best help us fulfill our mission.

(Please answer the questions as if money doesnÕt matter. We want you to dream a little. If you donÕt know how to answer a question, you can skip it, or come back to it at the end. Be as specific and descriptive as you can.)


OUTREACH, EVANGELISM AND MISSION Òto bring people into a personal relationships with Jesus ChristÓ

1.    What could be included in the building to help us reach out to our community?____________


2. What specifically should be done to make sure the building is a welcoming and comfortable place for visitors and newcomers? _______________________________________________



CHURCH FAMILY LIFE Òa supportive church familyÓ

3. What should be included in the building design to enable us to know and care for one another as a church family (i.e. large lobby, fellowship hall, room for counseling)? Be as specific as possible. ___________________________________________________________________



CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Òequip and train them to be passionate followers of Jesus ChristÓ

4. What would you like to see in the new building for educational space (i.e. Sunday School classrooms, meeting rooms, etc.)? _________________________________________________



WORSHIP Òhonor and glorify HimÓ

5. What is important to you when it comes to the sanctuary of our new building? ____________



survey continues on the back


For this section, we have listed several features that could be included in the design of our new Church building. Please rate how important each feature is, from your perspective.

The scale is from 1 to 5.

1 means it is of no importance to you whatsoever; 2 means it is not really important;

3 means it is somewhat important; 4 means it is very important;

5 means it is of utmost importance from your perspective.

                                                                     Of no importance ------------ˆ Of utmost importance

Sunday School / Junior Church rooms

1       2       3       4       5

A large lobby / foyer

1       2       3       4       5

A functional nursery

1       2       3       4       5

A functional kitchen

1       2       3       4       5

PastorÕs study & office space

1       2       3       4       5

A fellowship hall

1       2       3       4       5

The building all on one level with no basement

1       2       3       4       5

Stained glass windows from old building

1       2       3       4       5

A space that community groups could use

1       2       3       4       5


1       2       3       4       5

Storage space

1       2       3       4       5

A meeting room / board room

1       2       3       4       5


What else would you like to see in the new building? What else is important to you that you havenÕt already mentioned? Write in the space below.